Take the opportunity to advertise and promote your business or organization with Seekwave Restaurant Discount Card. Seekwave Business Directory is for promoting your business or organization with Seekwave Restaurant Discount Card.
Receive two years of free advertising. Fill your profile, add all important information and navigate people straight to your business or organization for a FREE Seekwave Restaurant Discount Card to save people money purchasing restaurant food.
How to Advertise and Promote your business or organization:
Fill in your email, username and choose one a Seekwave Restaurant Discount Card Advertising Package of your choice on Seekwave.com/complimentary/
Click on Sign Up on Seekwave Promotions will handle the set up and approval of your ad listing.
on PayPal.com using Seekwave.com/sponsors (web page)
Check your email for login info and add your Advertisement on to Seekwave Business Directory and Seekwave Promotions will start your advertising account. Afterward you will see your advertisement online. Visit: Seekwave.com/sponsors to get started and see benefits you will receive.